Combo Drop 2

Nothing better than a bundle… this kit will give you chills and put you in the right mood for the end of the year, with the perfect amount of spookiness. With a vampire and a devil by your side, there’s nothing left to fear. Maybe even a great scare for your favorite cannabis enthusiast!

This Combo contains:

  • Demon Haze Hoodie (3 Cables)
  • 4:20 AM T-shirt (OVERSIZED)
  • Lighter Sticker Sheet
  • Assorted Strain Stickers

$ 467,61 À vista$ 449,84no Pix

$ 165,59 À vista$ 159,30no Pix
$ 311,39 À vista$ 299,56no Pix

Disponibilidade: 60 em estoque


1x de $ 486,22 com juros$ 486,22
2x de $ 247,85 com juros$ 495,70

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